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Free Warrior Yoga for Veterans, First Responders and Active Military

Starting Monday, September 16, Treetop Yoga has partnered with the non-profit Warrior Within Yoga Project to offer a free weekly, trauma-informed yoga class for Veterans, First Responders, and Active Military. Cape Ann Savings Bank has helped to get this initiative going through one of their community foundation grants, allowing us to run the class from September 16 through December 16.

We appreciate any help spreading the word to anyone on Cape Ann who may feel they could benefit from this class. You can drop in once in a while or come once a week. And honestly, anyone on the North Shore is welcome since this is the first time that Warrior Within Yoga Project is offering a North Shore class—they are mostly in metro west and the south shore.

General Info:

Register for Gloucester Class:

Erin McKay, Treetop Yoga Studio

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