Rockport Business Directory

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Fleur Cuisine Harborside Restaurant

Foote Brothers Canoe/Kayak Rentals


Canoe, Kayak & SUPSports, Recreation & Fitness

About Us

Foote Brothers Canoe and Kayak rentals on the scenic Ipswich River. A great place to exercise, enjoy the outdoors, and have fun with family and friends.

Navigable for almost thirty miles, The Ipswich River is one of the best kept secrets on the North Shore! Its gentle waters run quietly through beautiful forests, fields and farmlands. Much of the undeveloped land along its banks is protected, including a wildlife sanctuary, scenic wetlands, and two state parks. Much of the river is accessible only by canoe.

Foote Brothers is a family-owned business in Ipswich, Massachusetts. Founded by Rose and Harold Foote, we have been renting canoes from our livery at Willowdale Dam on the Ipswich River since 1955. Enjoy the River in one of our Grumman Canoes or Perception Single or Tandem Kayaks.

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