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Atlas Retail Energy


Energy & Utilities

About Us

We are more than just energy brokers for our clients. What makes us unique is that we are one of the few integrated energy advisory firms in the country with transparency, expertise, and insights into wholesale energy markets. With this unparalleled market intelligence and depth of understanding, we help you create a long-term energy strategy based off the actual markets affecting the price.

At Atlas Retail Energy, we develop and implement custom energy management strategies. and utilize top-tier suppliers in the market for both natural gas and electricity.

We perform a blind RFP (request for proposals) on your behalf and then, in real-time, verify the legitimacy of the prices received from the suppliers through our integrated wholesale presence with Atlas Commodities. This real-time verification process allows us to reduce premiums and excess supplier margin on your behalf.

This unique differentiator provides you with a competitive advantage when procuring energy as well as when implementing long-term, strategic risk-management plans.


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Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Gilbert Brown
Senior Energy Advisor

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