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The Deciding Vote, a short comedy as part of FinnFunn Weekend
Date and Time
Friday Oct 27, 2023
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM EDT
Friday October 27th, 4PM
Shalin Liu, 37 Main St, Rockport, MA 01966 in the Music Hall
$7 for the performance only. Tickets that include more events, or an entire day's or weekend's events are also available, and more expensive
Contact Information
Rob Ranta capeannfinns@gmail.com
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Hosted by CapeAnnFinns as part of the larger FinnFunn Weekend(Oct 27-29), Lanes Coven presents "The Deciding Vote" at Shalin Liu on October 27th, at 4PM. The title is a short comedy, about John Morton, who was the final signer in ratifying The Declaration of Independence, and interestingly he was a Finn!! FinnFunn weekend celebrates, in partnership with Gloucester400+, the Finnish Heritage on Cape Ann, which has been extremely influential, in quarrying, Lanesville, and local art & culture! Come ready to laugh and make new friends as Lanes Coven delights you to a silly, interactive afternoon, at Shalin Liu. Learn more about the entire FinnFunn weekend at finnfunn.org ... and join the Cape Ann Finns email list for more updates. Tickets can be purchased for the performance only, other individual events, or for an entire day, or for the all-inclusive weekend!

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