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Motif No.1 Day 2024
Date and Time
Saturday May 18, 2024
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM EDT
9 AM - 10:30 AM: Motif #1 Road Race (Harvey Park)
12 PM - 4 PM: Various Local Vendors (Harvey Park) See list below
11 AM - 3 PM: EMS Day (T Wharf)
11 AM - 3 PM: Cape Ann Plein Air (Barletta Park)
11 AM - 1 PM: Cape Ann Art Haven - Children's Activities (Barletta Park) https://www.capeannpleinair.org/motif-no-1-paint-out-invitational
11 AM - 4 PM: Food Trucks (Barletta Park and Harvey Park)
12 PM - 2:30 PM: Performing Arts (Dock Square)
12 PM and 2 PM - Red Trousers
1 PM - Rockport Dance Academy
12 PM - 5 PM: Beer Tent (Harvey Park)
12 PM - 5 PM: Live Music (Front Lawn, First Congregational Church, corner of Main and School Streets) 12 PM - 2 PM DeDe & Arnie and 3 PM - 5 PM Livin' On Luck
10 AM - 5 PM: Gallery Exhibition (Rockport Art Association and Museum) - "Red Paint & Granite: Interpretations of a Rockport Icon"
1 PM - 3 PM: Climate Create Together/Motif No.1 Day - Children's Activity (RAA&M)
1 PM: Motif No.1 Walking Tour (Info Booth at Barletta Park)
Gallery Art Experiences
12 PM - 2 PM: Gallery Reception at Scott Tubby Fine Art Studio - "Unveiling of New Motif No.1 Painting", A new oil painting of Motif No.1 will be unveiled with light refreshments.
1 PM - 3 PM: Art Demonstration at Gallery Number One - "Find Motif No.1 at Gallery Number One!", Live painting and artwork by Deb Schradieck and Audi Souza, plus pottery, glass and more with Motif No.1 images available.
1 PM - 3 PM: Art Demonstration at Rusty & Ingrid Screen Printing - "Print-Your-Own Motif Screen Print", Print your own event.
5 PM - 7 PM: Gallery Reception - "New Work"
2 PM - 4 PM: Art Demonstration at Dream House Gallery and Boutique - "ArtSea: Ocean View Painting", Come meet artist and owner Joe Barillaro and enjoy sips and nibbles while you take in the whimsical and unique perspective Joe is bringing to the Rockport scene. Watch him paint on driftwood and baseball hats!
2 PM - 4 PM: Art Demonstration at Coastal Locals Gallery - "A Peek Behind the Scenes.... Locals Demo", Painting Demo by Leigh Slingluff and Jewelry Demo by Beth Williams.
4 PM - 6 PM: Gallery Reception at Art Nook Gallery - "Motif No.1 Open House", New art work on display by artists Kathleen Miller and Stefan Mierz with discounts for Motif themed prints and refreshments.
4 PM - 6 PM: Gallery Reception at The Art of David Arsenault - "Celebrating Motif No.1", See the latest Motif No.1 painting and receive 20% off all available giclee prints. 10% of sales from the day to go to benefit The Open Door!
5:30 PM - 7 PM: Gallery Reception at Slant Rhyme Studio - "Gallery Reception for Boston Based Artist Kristin Breiseth", Artist reception for Kristin Breiseth's newest body of work and enjoy wine and refreshments.
Cape Ann Museum
Cape Ann Sea Salt
Gloucester Stage Company
Greater Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce
Inns of Rockport
Rockport Rotary
SML Proofreading
Town of Rockport/Municipal Vulnerability Program
Windhover Center for the Performing Arts
Other events in the area!
9 AM - 11 AM: Rockport Garden Club Annual Plan Sale at Rockport High School, 24 Jerdens Lane, Rockport MA. Buy plants from local gardeners! https://rockportgardenclub.org/
12:45 PM: Ribbon Cutting, Denim Blanket Company, 4 Dock Square, Rockport MA. Celebrate the grand opening of downtown Rockport's newest store. Enjoy food and drink and browse their unique collections all made in the USA. Open house with refreshments served from 12-2 PM https://denimblankets.com/
12 PM - 3 PM: Tadpole Tales: A Spring Celebration of Storytelling for Kids, Wordsmithie, 2 Beach St Rockport MA. An afternoon of writing, reading, and storytelling
10 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM and 4 PM on Saturday and Sunday: North Shore Adventures - Motif No.1 Harbor Tour and Photos, 30 min tours, tickets $25, 2 person minimum. Come see the quintessential Motif No.1 from an entirely new perspective that few people get to see. Hear the true stories of how Rockport's militia, the Sea Fencibles, and local townspeople fought off the British and other stories that make our town so special. We'd love to snap a picture to commemorate your kayaking experience with Motif No.1! https://www.northshoreadventure.com/tours
7 PM: Windhover Inaugural Event - "Mysteries and Legends" Classical Guitar Performance with Brendan Evans & Michael O'Leary. Tickets $25 with wine and cheese reception https://windhover.org/event/classical-guitar-brendan-evans-2024/
Free Event
Contact Information
Colleen Murdock, Director of Community Relations
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