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Hear Across - Practical Skills for Better Hearing & Listening
Date and Time
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
SeniorCare Inc. (Glou)
49 Blackburn Center
Gloucester, MA 01930
FREE: Space is limited. Reservations are required: RSVP to SeniorCare at https://seniorcareinc.org/eent/better-hearing-listening-presentation/ or call 978.281.1750

This free workshop by Beauport Hearing Care focuses on practical skills for care givers to assist with social strategies and hearing technology questions. Tech topics include considerations for hearing aid selection, proper hearing aid use, daily cleaning, and troubleshooting typical problems. In addition, a “Better Hearing and Listening Etiquette” will be discussed and demonstrated. The “Etiquette” recommends simple strategies for family and friends, co-workers, and community members to mitigate or eliminate many kinds of communication barriers (not just hearing loss). Finally, the “Etiquette” comprises the core of our popular “Happy Couples with Hearing Loss” workshop – a team effort really works!
FREE. Space is limited. Reservations are required: RSVP to SeniorCare at https://seniorcareinc.org/event/better-hearing-listening-presentation/ or 978-281-1750.
David Bergeron, MM, CHW, CDP #248650 has 30 years experience in public health. Since 2015 he has co-owned Beauport Hearing Care with his wife, Judi Hodge Bergeron, BC-HIS #8035. Judi is BHC’s board certified Hearing Specialist and David is the Personal Hearing Trainer, providing a variety of home services, tech support, and training. Moreover, the Bergerons personally rely on hearing aids and auditory rehab for hearing loss, tinnitus, and other communication barriers.