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Googans After Hours: Portuguese Wine Tasting w/Paige Farrell
Date and Time
Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Beer & Wine will be served 4-8pm
Paige Farrell will make a formal presentation on all the wine varieties around 6pm.
No reservations, no entry fees.
Ola! Join us for Googans After Hours with an evening of sipping Portuguese wine varieties with expert sommelier Paige Farrell! Stop by for a glass or enjoy the tasting flight and stay for an educational presentation on two wine producers comparing their tinto & branco wines. Beer & wine will be offered 4-8pm and Paige will present the background on all the wines around 6pm.
Tapas and casual fare will also be offered. Stay tuned for more information coming soon!