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Gloucester Harbor Schooner Sail for LGBTQTeens
Date and Time
Friday Jun 28, 2024
4:30 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Friday, June 28 from 4:30 to 8 p.m
Sign Up Deadline: Monday, June 24
Schooner Advernture
Harriet Webster Pier
23 Harbor Loop, Gloucester.
Schooner Adventure will offer a free, private sail in Gloucester Harbor for LGBTQ teenagers and their allies, ages 13-18, on Friday evening, June 28.
The sail during St. Peter’s Fiesta will feature beautiful views from the harbor of the Greasy Pole contest and carnival. Members of the local teenage band "Kicked Off the Bus" will play music on board the schooner to add to the fun atmosphere.
Food and drink will be provided, and the Adventure’s crew and other adults will chaperone. Permission slips are required for ages 13-17. The schooner sail is organized by the Cape Ann Pride Coalition and Younity and is free to participants thanks to a grant from Awesome Gloucester and other donations.
The sail will take place on June 28 from 4:30 to 8 p.m. The schooner is located at the Harriet Webster Pier, 23 Harbor Loop in Gloucester. If you have questions or to sign up to join the sail, email stephenh@capeannpride.org byMonday, June 24.