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Free Class: Learn About Our Upcoming Retreat to Panama
Date and Time
Friday Nov 3, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
Friday, November 3
6:00-7:30 pm
Treetop Yoga
3A Pond Road
Gloucester, MA 01930
Free to the public
Informational Meeting after yoga class
Contact Information
Treetop Yoga
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A Retreat to Paradise – join Treetop Yoga in Panama this March 3-9, 2024, at an incredible resort nestled in the jungle just steps away from a secluded tropical beach, Playa Grande. Hosted in an owner-operated beach and jungle vacation property, we have created an ultimate once in a lifetime experience that is designed with your comfort in mind while truly connecting to nature.
Want to learn more - join us for a free yoga class to meet the retreat instructors and to find out more about this incredible opportunity to travel this winter.
Dress in your most tropical colors as we pretend we are practicing in the warmth of Central America. We will move for an hour together in a vinyasa flow, and close for the last 15 minutes in a restorative posture with Reiki offered from Madison. After class, enjoy refreshments while we share all the info about the retreat to Panama and answer any questions. Bring a friend - it's always great to have a travel buddy!
?Retreat info: https://treetopyoga.com/retreat-panama-2024/