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Flag Day Ceremonies - Ipswich Rowley Rotary
Date and Time
Friday Jun 14, 2024
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
10 AM at the Ipswich Green
12 PM at the Rowley Common
Ipswich Green and Rowley Common

Commemorate Our Fields of Flags with Pipes and Ceremony
Ipswich-Rowley Rotary is continuing our tradition of commemorating Flag Day with a brief but solemn ceremony at each of the town's displays - Ipswich Town Green ceremony at 10 a.m. sharp and Rowley Common at 12 p.m. sharp.
Our program will begin on the hour with resident piper, Jay Stanbury leading us in song and salute to the flag.
Honorary guests in Ipswich include District Governor Lori Karas, Town Manager Stephen Crane, and Senator Bruce Tarr.
Our Rowley honorary guests include our own Past District Governor Joan Arsenault, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Christine Kneeland, possibly Senator Bruce Tarr.
Our Rowley honorary guests include our own Past District Governor Joan Arsenault, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Christine Kneeland, possibly Senator Bruce Tarr.
Our own resident bagpiper, Jay Stanbury, will complete each ceremony with inspiring music.

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