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Bonsai Bar at Ipswich Ale Brewery
Date and Time
Thursday Nov 9, 2023
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST
November 9th, 2023 at 7PM - 9PM - Class Starts at 7PM
2 Brewery Place, Ipswich, MA
Bonsai Bar & Ipswich Ale Brewery Team Up for Special Night!
Grab your friends, grab a drink and come make tiny trees at this beginners workshop for Bonsai trees! The Bonsai Bar will be bringing the art of bonsai to the Brewer's Table on November 9th at 7PM. This will be a night of fun you don’t want to miss. Learn the fundamental skills and techniques behind the art of bonsai while enjoying a night out with friends! Our teachers will introduce core concepts and guide your experience as you pot, prune, and design your very own bonsai tree!
Snag Tickets Here
Link to FaceBook Event